Well, here we are three weeks later and it has been a most trying week filled with alot of emotions. Last Sunday we lost our turkey hen Tomasita. And we are really not sure why, just found her dead when we went out to feed. Very strange really, never really sure why these things happen.
On Wednesday, Meara lost her battle with a condition known as "fatty liver" caused by her being so overweight most of her life. We had been giving her a buch of herbs and a steroid to see if we couldn't turn her around. Plus the Doc had been here a couple of times to do an IV and also to tube her to get something in her stomachs and hopefully jump start them but she just couldn't get past it I guess and we lost her. It still hard to go out and feed because I still expect to hear her complain that I am not moving fast enough for her or she wants to go to the pasture. I really miss her a bunch.
But the life cycle never stops around here. Also on Wednesday we started hatching out chicks. It is the most fantastic adventure I have ever been witness to. I did my part...three weeks of keeping them warm and humid and rolled 3 times a day up to the last week and then I just stood back and held my breathe while I waited and watched ...never really sure this was even going to work. And then it happened...one egg started to peep! There was no cracks or holes but you could hear the chick peeping before it even started on the egg. It was amazing to find this out and then to watch as they work so hard to get out of the shell.
I would see the beginning of a hole and then a crack and then a wing or leg and then there they were...all wet and just exhausted from the hours of work to get out. And I mean hours, Frederick and I would go to bed at night and there would be a couple of eggs just starting to crack and when we come down in the morning the chicks are still wet so we know they haven't been out of the egg more than just a few minutes. We now have twenty more of the cutest mouths to feed you ever did see. In fact I am sitting with the newset on my lap while I type this.
These chicks have gone from the comforts of the kitchen where we could keep an eye on them and make sure they get ever chance to survive, to the bathroom where they are now kept warm under a brooder light in a nice wooden box. Once they get feathered out and it warms a bit they will then move to the small coop when George once lived so I can still keep on eye on them but they won't be "parfuming" the house. And then once they get big enough to defend themselves they will be moved out to the "nursery". This a small section of the coop yard that is fenced off from the rest of the flock in order to introduce them to the rest of the family without fear of injury. It works pretty good, they get used to seeing each other and when I let them all go at once the other chickens are so overwhemled that they usually won't bother the new ones too much.
Well, I guess that is all for now. I need to give Frederick a hand will the night feeding and then get him feed. And I supose this chick is probably ready to meet the rest of the family. So until next time....