Here are some potatoes I got from my grandmother, who is Deliverance's mom. They got a little to excited for spring and started to grow right in Nana's kitchen! I knew they just needed some soil, water, sun and a little loving care and they would grow into fine plants someday.
I took them home and cut them up so that each piece of potato had an "eye" in it. The eyes are the little dimples that make peeling potatoes a pain in the butt, but they're where the potato will send out roots when it starts to germinate. I planted all of the eyes in a tray planter in my kitchen and waited to see if they would grow.
After a few weeks some little green leaves shot out of the soil! The window sill in my kitchen is a warm, sunny place and the potatoes liked it there, even when it was snowing outside.
It's not quite safe to plant them outside yet because of frost dangers, but I decided to bring the little tater tots outside today to soak up some full on sunshine. In a few weeks I'll be able to plant them outside and hopefully they will make lots and lots of potatoes for me to eat. In the meantime they're taking over my kitchen and averting their eyes while I'm making french fries.
I've decided to call them all "Papa", because papa in Spanish can mean either "Potato" or "The Pope" and I'm all one for ambiguity between religion and vegetables.