Thursday, February 11, 2010

About the Farm

If you follow the railroad tracks out of Santa Fe and keep following them far, far to the south, you might notice a small farm just off the side of the tracks. Approaching this farm your shins might be scuffled by an aggressive but beautiful rooster named George, or you might be followed by a limping cat named Zippy who's meows sound a bit like a goat. If you were to walk around the back of this farm you might see a garden (teaming with tomatoes and marigolds in the summer) and a brambly blackberry patch (watch out for those thorns!). If you do find this magical place, congratulations! You've found The Farm.

A lot of cookin' and cannin' takes place here on the farm and a lot of shenanigans. Deliverance and I would like to share them with you. My name's Wilful and I hope ya'll enjoy our bloggin'.

Deliverance and I are related by blood, but what holds us together the most is our love for cooking, our passion for gardening and a certain zany insanity that may or may not be hereditary.

Remember that aggressive rooster George? He was abandoned by his mama when he was just barely hatched. Deliverance found him, nursed him back to health and carried him around in her shirt until he got big enough to fend for himself. Now he's turned into kind of a nuisance but we haven't decided to eat him. At least not yet . . . .

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